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HaRav Menachem Gettinger's, ZT"L Sefer Menach Yoma availabe now exclusively from Ezras Torah!

Ezras Torah is a non-profit
501(c)(3) federally tax-exempt
charitable organization.

For Current Jewish Year 5784
Halachic calendars for your tallis bag
Quantity Your Donation amount
Pocket Luach - Hebrew - minimum donation $12.00
Shipping: Canada - please add $12 per luach. Foreign (including Mexico) - please add $15 per luach.
Pocket Luach - English - minimum donation $12.00
Shipping: Canada - please add $12 per luach. Foreign (including Mexico) - please add $15 per luach.
Wall Shul Luach - Hebrew - minimum donation $25.00
Shipping: Canada - please add $15 per luach. Foreign (including Mexico) - please add $25 per luach.
For Upcoming Jewish Year 5785
Halachic calendars for your tallis bag

(not shipping until Elul 5784)
Pocket Luach - Hebrew - minimum donation $12.00
Shipping: Canada - please add $12 per luach. Foreign (including Mexico) - please add $15 per luach.
Pocket Luach - English - minimum donation $12.00
Shipping: Canada - please add $12 per luach. Foreign (including Mexico) - please add $15 per luach.
Wall Shul Luach - Hebrew - minimum donation $25.00
Shipping: Canada - please add $15 per luach. Foreign (including Mexico) - please add $25 per luach.
Kisvei Hagaon Harav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin ZT”L, 2 Volume set:    
2 Volume set, shipping inside the USA - minimum donation $36 - Sold Out
2 Volume set, shipping outside the USA - minimum donation $82 - Sold Out
Volume I only, shipping inside the USA - minimum donation $18
Volume II only, shipping inside the USA - minimum donation $18 - Sold Out
Volume I only, shipping outside the USA - minimum donation $41
Volume II only, shipping outside the USA - minimum donation $41 - Sold Out
Sefer Menach Yoma HaRav Menachem Gettinger, ZT"L:    
shipping inside the USA - minimum donation $25 - Sold Out
shipping outside the USA - minimum donation $48 - Sold Out
Ezras Torah is a non-profit 501(c)(3) federally tax-exempt charitable organization in the USA, registered under EIN Number 13-5562218. Ezras Torah never gives out or sells its donors' information. All personal information, including email addresses, is kept strictly within the confines of Ezras Torah.